Pensacola 311 Citizen Support | City of Pensacola, Florida Official Website (2025)

Need to report a non-emergency issue or request service from the City of Pensacola? Pensacola 311 is your single point of contact. Now citizens have three easy ways to contact 311 -- simply dialing 311, visiting this website, or by downloading our Pensacola 311 mobile app, available for iPhone/iPad, and Android.

**Florida Statute 162.21(3)(b) and FS 166.0415 have been amended by 2021 Senate Bill 60. The effect of this new law is that a code enforcement officer may not initiate an investigation of a potential violation by way of an anonymous tip. A person making a complaint regarding a potential violation of a code or ordinance must provide their name and address to the local government entity before an investigation can occur. If a code enforcement officer has reason to believe that a violation presents an imminent threat to public health, safety or welfare, or imminent destruction of habitat or sensitive resources, an investigation will proceed absent name and address of a complainant.**

Need to report a non-emergency issue or request service in Escambia County?Ask MyEscambiais your single point of contact.

Pensacola 311 Citizen Support | City of Pensacola, Florida Official Website (2025)


What is the non emergency number for Pensacola? ›

Need to report a non-emergency issue or request service from the City of Pensacola? Pensacola 311 is your single point of contact. Now citizens have three easy ways to contact 311 -- simply dialing 311, visiting this website, or by downloading our Pensacola 311 mobile app, available for iPhone/iPad, and Android.

How many Pensacola city Council members are there? ›

The City Council is the legislative body of the City of Pensacola government. The Council consists of seven members elected by their respective district.

What is Pensacola known for? ›

The city has a proud military heritage, thanks to the Naval Air Station. In addition to being the "Cradle of Naval Aviation," the Pensacola Bay Area is proud to call itself home to the renowned Blue Angels, officially known as the U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron.

How do I get a police report in Pensacola FL? ›

Criminal Records also accepts requests for local criminal history background checks, offense reports, arrest reports, and incident reports.
  1. Phone: 850-436-9501. Fax: 850-436-9784. ...
  2. Phone: 850-436-9390. Fax: 850-436-9990. ...
  3. Media Records Request. All media outlets may submit requests for records using the below link:

What is 311 used for in Florida? ›

Miami-Dade County's 311 Contact Center serves as a primary channel for accessing non-emergency government services and information in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole. Residents can call 311 to obtain information about local government services, report issues, request services and ask questions.

What is the number that is not an emergency? ›

311 - Non-emergency police, fire and municipal business. Local and municipal governments will administer 311 calls. 711 - Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) for the speech and hearing impaired. 911 - Emergency response.

Who is the mayor of Pensacola, Florida? ›

Darcy Curran Reeves is an American businessman, journalist and politician who has served as the 64th mayor of Pensacola since 2022. Pensacola, Florida, U.S.

How many deputies are in Escambia County? ›

Escambia County Sheriff's Office (Florida)
Escambia County Sheriff's Office
Deputy Sheriffs410
Agency executivesChip W. Simmons (R), Sheriff Tommi Lyter (R), Chief Deputy
Parent agencyEscambia County Board of County Commissioners (Florida)
26 more rows

How many people are at Nas Pensacola? ›

NAS Pensacola, situated in Escambia County, employs more than 16,000 military and 7,400 civilian personnel.

What is the nickname of Pensacola? ›

Pensacola is called the “City of Five Flags” because five governments have ruled here, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.

What food is Pensacola known for? ›

10 dishes that will give you a taste of Pensacola living. And no, they're not all seafood
  • McGuire's Irish Pub - Senate Bean Soup. ...
  • The Grand Marlin - Grouper Picatta. ...
  • The Point Restaurant - The Famous Point Mullet Sandwich. ...
  • Blue Dot Barbecue – Hamburger. ...
  • Agapi Bistro + Garden - Gulf Scamp Cervantes.
May 13, 2024

What percentage of Pensacola is white? ›

Pensacola Demographics

White: 66.17% Black or African American: 23.22% Two or more races: 6.4% Asian: 2.32%

Are police reports confidential in Florida? ›

In the state of Florida all police reports are public record.

What county is Pensacola, FL in? ›

Escambia County Clerk, FL.

How to find an inmate in Escambia County Jail? ›

All people who are charged with crimes are taken to the Escambia County Jail at 3080 N. Pace Blvd. Inmates can be searched at Escambia County Inmate Lookup or you may call 850-436-9830.

What is the non emergency number for Gulf Breeze? ›

Frequently Called Numbers
Area Code850
Elementary School Resource Officer/DARE934-5185
Middle School Resource Officer/GREAT934-4080
High School Resource Officer916-4100
5 more rows

What is the non emergency number for early county? ›

The dispatchers will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our system, please call on our non emergency line, 723-3577.

What is the non emergency number for South Florida? ›

(954) 764-4357 (non-emergency)

What is the emergency number for Florida? ›

The SAIL hotline is: 1-800-342-3557. The SAIL hotline is only operational during an emergency event; at all other times, a recorded message with general information about the hotline is available.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.